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This helps all aspects of your wellness and can provide a good balance! Mind: helps you to be mindful, decrease stress, worry less, and focus better. Body: helps you sleep better, decrease blood pressure, reduce pain, and feel better. Spirit: helps to enhance relationships, be more joyful, enjoy things more, and know yourself better. I had a hard time getting started because I didn't have time to go to a class or read a book, and because I generally have a difficult time sitting still. With the help of a couple apps I have been able to meditate and feel the great affects! 

gratitude jar

People typically use the same techniques as meditation while also moving his or her body into various postures. Many of the health benefits are similar to those of meditation in addition to better balance, boosts immune system, protects spine, decrease cartilage breakdown, and supports connective tissue. I love doing yoga, but I have not been able to do it completely on my own. I like using an app, but nothing beats an actual yoga class. Some days yoga is too slow for me but I still want the general movements. That is when I found a program called PiYo. This is an upbeat exercise routine that combines pilates, yoga, and continuous movements. 

Gratitude Jar

Write what you are most grateful for everyday on a slip of paper and put it into a jar. At the end of the year, or even when you are feeling very down and cynical, dump the jar out and remind yourself what to be thankful for. I love doing this because it is a way I can physically remind myself to praise God for my life. There are days that I forget to do it, or days I feel so grateful I write two. But the biggest impact this practice has had on me, is when I am feeling very frustrated, sad, or defeated, I put some paper in the jar of the things I still have to be grateful for and read the ones I have already written. It can also be done in a journal, but I like to keep the jar on my dresser so I see it everyday. Plus it looks neat!


I found out the hard way that holding all my emotions in is a great way to disturb the balance of body, mind, and spirit. Now, I journal to release my emotions that are not healthy for me to hold in, but that I am not ready to share with others. I also journal to reflect on my experiences, emotions, and relationships. I am naturally a self-reflective person so I have always felt the great benefits of journaling. Its fun to go back later to read the stories of my own life from my perspective. It allows me to see the hard times where God was molding me and attribute them to the good times I had later. 

prayer journal

Read it or write it! Writing poetry has many of the same benefits as journaling. Poetry doesn't have to rhyme and it doesn't have to sound like the English poets from the 1700's. Your poetry only has to be meaningful to you and sound like your voice. If you are not a person that enjoys writing poetry, try reading it! You may still feel the connectedness and cathartic feelings that come with writing it. 

Prayer Journal

This is one practice that I love, and I kind of stopped doing while I have been in grad school. There are only so many hours in the day and it is not a balanced life if all you do are wellness practices because other things have to get done too. So for now I rely on my talks with God. This combines journaling with the act of praying. When I started this, I had a hard time talking out loud with God and felt like my prayers were fabricated rather than raw emotion. Writing them down allowed me to reflect and spill my heart. 

support animal

Dance makes your body move, and it can be a way that your soul can express itself with movement. You don't have to be a good dancer, you don't have to dance to something choreographed, and you don't have to have any kind of rhythm. Dance fast, dance slow, dance alone, or dance with friends. Just get up, feel the music, and let your body move! Let your body be free while your soul sings!

Support Animal

I grew up with so many animals: dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, pigs, ducks, chickens (aka a zoo). I have always enjoyed the affection and comfort that an animal can provide unlike any other. When I moved to college I became aware of how important that connection was to me, and as soon as possible I brought my cat to live with me. Owning a pet can provide numerous health benefits like improving mood, decreasing risk of stroke, increasing socialization, and lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. If you can't own a pet right now, for whatever reason, go volunteer at a shelter. Those animals need love too!


CrossFit is a high intensity workout that has a variety of movements and lifts to test and enhance your endurance, strength, agility, and coordination. This type of workout has been really great for me because it allows me to let out my frustrations with heavy movements and proprioceptive input. It also helps me get stronger and feel powerful. It is also a great workout that releases endorphins that make you feel better!


Exercise in general has vast amounts of health benefits for the mind, body, and spirt. If none of my exercises sound like your cup of tea, then try something else! Swimming, running, golf, or whatever feels good to you. 


In the last few years, coloring books for adults have become a big thing. I have always loved coloring so I tried one and loved it! You allow your brain to enter a state of a kind of meditation. Coloring can reduce stress and increase positivity. It is a fun and peaceful activity and you can create beautiful pictures!


Cooking and baking your own food is often healthier for you than store bought, processed foods because you are in control of the ingredients. Cooking and baking also have other health benefits like it can calm the mind, it can stimulate the senses (see, touch, smell, hear, taste) and releases endorphins in the body that make you feel good. You also have the opportunity to turn it into an art and get creative, then share it with others to make their day.


Deep breathing is part of meditation, yoga, and many other mindful activities, however it can also be done all by itself. There are many different breathing exercises that can be done and are attached via a link below. With increased stress, we often have an increased heart rate as well as increased breathing. Actively slowing your breathing down with these exercises can help to reduce the physiological affects of stress and anxiety. This was the easiest thing for me to place into my daily life that helps me maintain my wellness. After I learned how to do it correctly, it became second nature and I find myself completing some of these exercises when I am feeling unbalanced without even thinking.


Advocare is a faith based, nutritional company that has helped me physically and emotionally balance my wellness. They have many products that have impacted me and that I use now to better myself. It feels good to work on yourself, and this was easy to implement into my crazy life. I feel better physically, and it has helped me through a rough emotional journey. 

essential oils

Even if you're not a singer, sing in the shower or belt it out in the car. Singing can help you to do a deep diaphragmatic breathing exercise that helps to reduce stress and blood pressure. It also strengthens your immune system by increasing the proteins found within your immune system. Singing releases endorphins to make you feel happier and with greater wellness. 

Image by Felicia Buitenwerf
Young Living

These little bottles of essential oil can help with all aspects of wellness: mind, body, and spirit. They encourage positive emotional states and help to balance the body's hormones and energy levels. They can directly trigger the olfactory system (smell) and help to recall special memories as well as ease the state of mind. I did a lot of research before I jumped into the the Young Living brand. I love everything they promise and the work they do beyond putting amazing quality oils into world! Plus I love that I can make my own rollers, sprays, diffuser blends, ect for everything I need. 


Spending time with family and friends creates bonds, a support system, and feelings of connectedness. As life changes, sometimes you have to move away from your support system and you may lose those benefits and feel increased stress, loneliness, and sadness. Working to maintain the connection from a distance can be hard but ultimately important for your overall wellness. My family and I have learned the importance of phone calls, short and sweet text messages, and face time. I have also learned the importance of keeping my social media up to date, as it makes my distant support system feel closer to me during times we are not chatting. As cliche as it sounds, enjoy the time you have with those you love because life is always changing. 

time out

Not only do you improve cognitively through mental stimulation and improved memory, analytical thinking, and focus, reading also reduces stress and enhances a state of relaxation. Curling up with a good book is so fun, and since I started grad school the main books I have been reading are text books. This is one technique I miss, however a change in my daily activities calls for a change in my wellness techniques.

Time Out

Taking a time out as a kid has such a negative connotation, but really what is being provided is a time to gather thoughts, emotions, and to simply cool off. When I was a kid, the time out place was sitting on the steps. When you calmed down enough to have a rational conversation, Mom and Dad let you know it was time get off the step and come sit down to talk about what happened. As adults, no one is going to tell you when to take a break, when you're calm enough to join in again, or talk to you about why you just lost your mind. As adults we are responsible for our own time out, and it is ok to take a break and collect yourself.


A short nap can increase your learning, memory, creativity, and productivity. There are different types of naps, but what it all comes down to is that you have to let your body rest and rejuvenate in order to be successful. Sometimes I nap because I want to reap the benefits that I have mentioned above. However, most of the time, I nap because I have kept myself on thin ice for too long with too many projects and not nearly enough sleep. I feel much better after letting my body recover. My naps are short and sweet (20-30) minutes so I don't feel like I am wasting away the day! 


I love listening to music. It is something I do most of the day. It helps me clear my mind and reflect on my day. It also helps me to pray, feel, love, and enjoy the moment. I listen to Christian, classical, pop, country, bluegrass, almost anything! I am that person that is dancing and singing in her car at the stop light because it makes me happy! Listening to music can be cathartic to let you release your bottled up emotions, it can increase blood flow, and decrease stress and anxiety.


They can help your central nervous system and decrease stress and anxiety. You can further assist this aspect by using certain aromas in your soaps, bubbles, or bath bombs! They can also help to regulate your body temperatures, balance hormones, and increased blood flow.


Having and using crystals can be so different for everyone. If you have never heard of these before, they are beautiful stones that can be used during meditation or just as a daily reminder. Each crystal has a different meaning and healing property. They are very big out in California, but starting to come into play everywhere thanks to celebrity endorsement. 

arts an crafts

DIY has gotten really big, thanks to Pinterest! But arts and crafts have been good for wellness for a long time. In fact, that is kind of where Occupational Therapy started. You can find something fun to try on Pinterest or go to the craft store and find something yourself. Doing a craft in groups or by yourself can help your creativity, reduce stress, and increase self-esteem. 

Arts and Crafts
calm kit

A calm kit can help help you calm down in moments of stress and angst. These are usually used with kids in Occupational Therapy, however these kits can be used with adults in the same ways. Put things in your box that help you when you need support. These items can include, but are not limited to, the techniques we have talked about previously. In my calm kit I have the following items: a stress ball, stress relieving lotion from Bath and BodyWorks, my favorite chocolates, my coloring book and pencils, my essential oils, a pair of headphones, a notebook and pen, Oasis and Clear Mood from Advocare, my crystals, a fidget cube, a cross pendant, play-dough, my Buddha-Board and sensory sparkle bottle. 

Calm Kit
time management

There are many techniques I use to build my time management skills. I make a lot of "To Do" lists where I prioritize my tasks and keep track of what I have done and what I have yet to do. I also use an Erin Condren Life Planner that allows me to keep tack of my school work and appointments. I like to color coat things so I put all my different classes in different colors, then my appointments each get an identifying sticker and so on. I really like her planners because there are so many things to add to decorate it which makes it so much more fun to use! She has loads of accessories like additional stickers, meal planning journals, gratitude journals, etc. I also recently started using a timer planner at the start of my final doctorate project. It helps me stay on task with scheduled break times so I have less distractions. 

Time Management

This is so specialized to the unique individual, so before you continue to read please note that these  are just my experiences! I do not do crash diets because I like to have a life and enjoy the company of others. I have not always had a healthy relationship with food, but I have learned so much and want to share my journey. I have loved getting InBody Composition Assessments because it tells me exactly where my body is and lets me see what I personally need. I know at the very least how many calories I have to eat a day and then I work to reach my target. It also has proven to me many times that the number on the scale means nothing. Meal planning has become a huge part of my life and has helped me immensely! I plan all my meals for the week on Friday, make sure its packed full of nutrition, fill out my grocery list, and go to the grocery store. Then I prep anything that needs cooked over the weekend and my breakfast and lunch are easy to pack the night before or morning of a weekday. I do lots of research to find the scientific proof behind nutrition and I have learned a lot about my body. I started counting macros and intermittent fasting and my body responded really well! I feel so much better and don't ever have crazy cravings because I can eat whatever I want. It has made my relationship with food healthy and fun again!

financial planning

Make a weekly or monthly budget plan including your incoming paycheck and subtract taxes, rent, food, gas, fun, etc. This will lay out everywhere you earn and spend money. If you have a hard time sticking to your budget you can look into some applications to keep you on track, like cleo. This can be very anxiety provoking, so I suggest setting a time to do this and sticking to it, ensuring that you do not spend too much time in this state. Also make sure you follow it up with something that calms you and makes you happy. Shop around for a cheaper price for books, rent, etc. Sign up for rewards and coupons for things like groceries and gas. A little money saved goes a long way. There are also things like Honey, that act as automatic coupons for online shopping. Raise allows you to save some money while spending. If you have to spend you should get something out of it!

Financial Planning
confidence boost
Screen Shot 2020-09-17 at 4.12.14 PM.png
Confidence Boost

There is something about having healthy skin and hair that just makes you feel better. I have in the past been notorious for lack of showers because I just hate having to deal with my hair and it being wet for hours and hours, then on top of that it dries and I look/feel like a giant fluff ball. When I got pregnant I started losing all my hair near my face and jumped at the opportunity to try Monat products. It has been a huge confidence builder. That says a lot that something made me feel more beautiful as my body was going through lots of changes and really not feeling beautiful. But my skin is healthy and my hair is healthy and I feel good about myself despite the added stress marks and weight gain. I feel confident. 

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